Friday, August 22, 2008

I: Wherein an attempt is made to clarify the purpose!


One moment that was quite depressing for me was back in junior high when, as I attempted to keep one of these web log doo-dads, I realized that I had nothing special to write about. Thus it fell be the wayside, and I never attempted again. HOWEVER, I am viewing this thing as perhaps a means of motivation to do things that are worthy of writing about, which is somewhat of a weird motivator. I still am not quite sure about what I shall do. After briefly considering having this be a Warcraft character blog, instead I think I shall make this a notebook of sorts, whether it be for creative writing, neat ideas, observations, or some kind of cool experiment. In fact, I had an idea to note some random person on the subway whilst riding to school, and make a complete backstory for them, maybe weaving them together, or maybe keeping them as isolated stories. It seems kinda ambitious now that I think about it, but what the hell. The only folks who are going to read this are my family, maybe a few friends and myself, so whatever. I really gotta dispense with this whole "writing as if addressing the internet masses" style, it is somewhat stressful.

I am going to go attempt to do my washing, as I am far behind on packing for the Great Lugging, which occurs on Sunday and features me moving in with PT (brother and now room mate). In case it was not clear, I am a college student and decided to take up this blog to chronicle my new lifestyle. We'll see how it goes!

-Daniel Emerson

1 comment:

Claire said...

! I commented on this only it didn't go through apparently. GAH. okay well I shall try and recreate it... I do believe it went something like this:

Dan!! ...I mean Emerson ;) doing your own laundry? moving out? this is too much.

I'm so glad you made the blog! I can't wait to read all about your big kid adventures out in the real world. Just try not to forget about us back home. Maybe, if you're lucky, we'll actually make the trek out there and come visit haha. (Blue awning, mediterranean restaurant, Daniel Khost subway stop, Trevor and I are all over it).

I missssss you! Hope you are settling in and what not!

cheers (:

p.s. if my orginial post ends up being there after i post this i'm going to be wicked frustrated