Tuesday, August 26, 2008

III: Where I detail my new Living Quarters.


While eating my lunch today, I had a sudden swoop of recognition, namely that I will be attending my new school tomorrow! Wow, very exciting. Mother just left for home after helping me go food shopping and getting slightly off track with me on the subway. At least I know now NOT to get off at 36th Street, and the 6 Downtown looks suspiciously like the 6 Uptown. But at least we got there, and I am super pumped for orientation tomorrow. That is, until I remember and hope beyond hope that there won't be too many silly games tomorrow.

Anyway, my new apartment looks pretty neat, and I know that all the poor fools in the dorms would kill to have such luxurious and wide open quarters. Perhaps I will post pictures if I can figure out how. Pete and I plan to make an attempt to set up his wireless router, although some kind soul does have a linksys network without a password.

I am actually somewhat tired, so I will leave off here as I make a list of what I have to do by tomorrow, and maybe unwind with my Paladin. Mayhaps I will update later with some more meaningful content.



Claire said...

First: LOVE that you put up a picture. and even more so that you're wearing your glasses for the blind. I approve.

Second.. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow! How exciting (: unfortunately for you though I am pretty sure every college experience starts off with the classic ice breakers. I'm sure you'll survive.

Mehh you must have so much space. I'm jealous already and I'm not even living in a dorm haha. I've been on a crazy amount of college tours (as you know) and it must be fabulous having real living space lol. Also a great thing for your would-be roommate. Poor guy having to worry about your boobytrapped beds and all, hahah. I tease you lovingly.

I should be getting to bed soon. Once again, wishing you only the best for tomorrow and the days to come!

Anonymous said...

DAN!!!!!!! ahh tis so exciting that you now have a blog and I can stalk you with full permission...just kidding, well...not really.
I am glad you decided NOT to make this a Warcraft character blog although I do believe your guild would probably read it outloud at their barbeques in Tennessee.

I hope all goes well! And from my end in boring West Caldwell, your wit and sarcasm are missed...no one can replace you as my partner in that category.

love, Evelyn

Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading your inner thoughts although I might have to alert Homeland Security officials. Some fine creative writing there (e.g., Peter Morchov and the old violinist). Hope you have shown these to PT. How about lunch in this coming week (you never responded to my email - did you get it?)

To help you get re-acquainted with your instrument, remember this: string side up!

Love - Pop